Sunday, March 29, 2020

AP Chemistry Free Response by Topic Worksheet

AP Chemistry Free Response by Topic WorksheetThe AP Chemistry Free Response by Topic worksheet is a great resource for students to help them with the standard multiple choice questions in the AP Chemistry exam. This worksheet comes with a simple format that helps students answer a wide variety of questions, without having to worry about spelling or grammar problems. You can use this free response worksheet to practice different topics, before the AP Chemistry test date arrives.The AP Chemistry Free Response by Topic worksheet features a practice module, which includes multiple choice questions. It is very easy to use, with easy to read font and image size, so it is very easy to read. There are tabs on the left side of the worksheet, which allows you to easily manage your answers.The free response worksheet is used to prepare for the AP Chemistry test in the classroom. It allows students to practice various topics that they will be tested on during the AP course. The advanced section of the test is typically more difficult than the other sections, so it is a good idea to practice these topics beforehand.After using the worksheet, make sure that you review it before the test date arrives. When reviewing it, make sure that you look for any inconsistencies or wrong answers. It is better to make notes of errors as soon as possible, because if there are numerous errors, you will have time to correct them before the test date arrives.One good thing about this worksheet is that it contains hundreds of sample questions that cover the entire exam. This is a great way to practice all of the topics that you need to cover on the AP Chemistry exam. There are also other questions that are specifically for the AP course that you can practice in order to help improve your scores on the test.Make sure that you familiarize yourself with the topics that are covered on the AP Chemistry exam. Remember that the test is normally 70 multiple-choice questions long, so you need to be sur e that you know how to do all of the different things that will be tested on. Remember that the free response worksheet has lots of sample questions that you can review for this purpose.The free response worksheet is also great for practicing different types of essay topics. These can include academic writing, analysis of data, professional writing, etc. Practice writing essays for all of the different types of topics before the exam, and when you need to test the essay skills, make sure that you remember what you did wrong on each essay.Keep in mind that the AP Chemistry test is given at test date. It is important to be prepared for this test, so that you know the topics that you will be tested on. The free response worksheet can help you prepare for the test, so that you do not make any mistakes on the topics that you need to cover on the exam.

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Part-Time Jobs to Easily Juggle This Semester

4 Part-Time Jobs to Easily Juggle This Semester Image via Pexels Before you narrow down jobs based on your preference, consider compatibility with your life. When looking for a job as a student, there are a few important factors to consider. The first factor is pretty obvious, that being your schedule. As you look for a job, make sure you closely check your academic schedule to determine availability, preferred shifts, etc. Secondly, think about the location of where you want to work. If you live on campus, there are usually plenty of jobs either on campus or in close proximity to campus. If you have a car and are willing to travel, then you aren’t as limited as to where to work since commuting is easier with a car. Now that you’ve considered some important factors regarding jobs, you can now start your search! Here are my top four best part-time jobs for college students: Nannying/Babysitting: Perhaps one of the greatest jobs for a college student, as a job nannying has many benefits and very little disadvantages. For one, nannying is a very flexible job, which means that you can work around your class schedule. Second, depending on the level of attention the children you are watching need, you can study or work on homework while you are nannying, being able to make the most of your time! Lastly, the pay per hour for nannying/babysitting is great, with nannies earning a median hourly salary of $12.80, according to Social Media Assistant/Manager: We as college students were raised with technology and grew up using many forms of social media. Taking this into consideration, you can say we are pretty well-versed in the areas of technology and social media. If you are constantly on social media and know the ins and outs of sites like Facebook or Twitter, you could work part-time as a social media assistant! According to Natalie Walters of Business Insider, this job requires employees to “work part-time managing social media channels and assisting companies with content marketing”, paying up to $21 an hour. Image via Pexels Tutor: In the college world, there are those that are tutors and those that are tutored. I know that I am someone who needs to be tutored when it comes to math but could definitely tutor someone in English or writing. If you are confident in your ability to help a student with a specific subject and want to get paid for it, tutoring could be a job for you! For one, you don’t have to worry about going off campus since you would be working with the university. Another great element of tutoring is you get to decide your schedule and the subjects you want to teach. According to PayScale, tutors earn a median hourly rate of $10.70 not too shabby for working on campus and earning brownie points with professors! Barista: One job that you will consistently find on college campuses is a barista. Coffee shops and cafes are all around campus, which means that if you want this kind of job, you can find one, guaranteed. As a barista, you can enjoy employee discounts to fuel your coffee addiction, plus you will usually only work during the day since most shops close at night, according to Allison Doyle of The Balance. Whether you need money for pricey textbooks or are looking to put some extra money in your pocket, part-time jobs are a great way for college students to gain work experience and make money while not overloading your schedule. As always, good luck!

Tips On Becoming a Good Employee And Liking Your Job

Tips On Becoming a Good Employee And Liking Your Job Develop employable qualities so you dont end up like this guy I dont usually have a hard time respecting authority figures, partly because of the way I was raised and partly  because  I generally dont think I could do their job any better. Sometimes though, it can be frustrating when one member of senior staff is telling you to never let the campers mix paint while another is telling you that mixing their own paint is part of the campers learning experience (metaphorically speaking). When this happens try to remember that your bosses have a hard job too and are  probably  dealing with a lot more than you realize. Thats not to say that your boss is always right and youre always wrong, but it is always best to communicate your confusions and problems to your superiors rather then be a disgruntled employee. Dont be afraid to stand up for yourself but remember that your boss has the final say and since theyre the ones signing your paycheck you might as well treat them with respect. Develop friendships with your co-workers I love my camp friends! My fondest memories involve the times I spent talking in the lounge or counselor rooms with my fellow counselors and helping each other  cope with crazy weeks. The campers could tell that we loved each other and they had more fun when they knew we were enjoying ourselves as well. Even some of the counselors that I didnt like as much at first ended up being very helpful and nice once I bothered to converse with them. Sometimes the person who you think is a jerk is really just feeling left out or having a hard time dealing with a problem; being there for them can make a world of a difference and contribute to a more positive experience for everyone. Be flexible Youre not always going to be able to do whatever you want to do. I taught a difference type of class every week, from ceramics to  volleyball to cheer dance, many of which I had never even done before.  Improvise, youll be fine and part of the experience is learning how to get things done that you might not be fully confident doing. Also when things dont go as planned, like for example a water pipe breaks and your toilets dont work for a day, being adaptive and reacting calmly allows you to realize you are not in a Korean prison camp and that its all going to be alright. Just roll with the punches and dont let things stress you out, its just a job. Dont be afraid to ask for help This one was hard for me to grasp because Im pretty independent and I like to give an air of confidence. My feigned certainty was short lived, however, as I soon realized there are some things I just didnt know how to do as well as some of my coworkers or superiors. Like mixing brown paint; I got really good at it by the end of the summer but for a while I would let other counselors tackle that problem. Also behavioral problems in the cabin; I always tried to take care of the situation myself but there were times I had to bring in the big guns (senior staff) because I  didnt know how to best handle the situation. I quickly realized that its perfectly okay to ask for help; whats not okay is completely screwing up the campers game of kickball because youre pretending to know the rules but really you should have asked the other counselor leading the activity how to  play the game (once again, metaphorically speaking). The customer is always right. Always. In my case the customer was usually a 9-13 year old girl, but this rule still applies. This was another one that I had to keep reminding myself of because there were many times that I felt like telling a camper to stop being melodramatically dumb and get over it. I couldnt do that though, because the campers were who we were there for and I was being paid to help them have an enjoyable experience. Even though I knew that the camper was faking an injury or waking me up for no real reason, I still had to listen and be  sympathetic. It was frustrating but I had to humor them; calling an 11 year old girl a liar could scar her for life, especially since shes probably only faking a sprained ankle to get attention and she doesnt know how else to do it. Be patient and remember: youre there to serve the customer, therefore the customer is always right. The list goes on and on of course but these are the main highlights. I hope they help you in your endeavors as much as they have helped me. Becoming a good employee is often a product of experience and becoming a good employee is usually the first step in becoming a good leader. Just remember to be yourself, set pride aside and try to maintain as positive of an environment as you can possibly muster; it will be much more enjoyable for you and for everyone you come in contact with.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Long Is the AP Chemistry Exam?

How Long Is the AP Chemistry Exam?Most students take their AP Chemistry exam at their high school and one of the hardest things to learn is how long is the AP Chemistry exam. There are many different ways that the question can be answered and some students have a harder time with the AP Chemistry exam than others.The physical/chemistry test is a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions. It takes approximately 90 minutes to complete the exam, which is also scored by a test administrator.For those students who have a hard time with the physical/chemistry test, there are several strategies for studying the AP exam. Some students use some other AP exams in order to study up on specific test formats while others will use a test preparation program to prepare for the AP exam.Some students will also consider taking some practice tests or watching videos. There are some labs where you can watch videos that can help you determine how to solve the problem without actually having t o take the exam. The video could be helpful because it may illustrate how a person would solve the question.The first strategy for how to get through a long exam would be to read the description of the different parts of the test. The written tests include essays, multiple choice, short answer and essay.There are several strategies for getting through the AP Chemistry exam that include reviewing notes and test for the previous tests. The more notes you have the better. The test is also timed so make sure that you study accordingly.Many students who do not study correctly can still manage to answer the question, but they are not going to pass the AP Chemistry exam. Oneway to study for the exam is to use an online study guide. You can find a lot of study guides that will give you valuable tips and tricks.

Teaching Organic Chemistry Through The Classes With The Teacher

Teaching Organic Chemistry Through The Classes With The TeacherStudents of organic chemistry who use the organic chemistry tutor will learn about the type of molecules and a lot more. There are a variety of ways in which these materials can be used to help one have an easier time getting through a class. This method of learning can be used by both an advanced student and a high school student.The most important way that the organic chemistry tutor can be used is by having them read and understand the material that they will be used to teach. If the student reads the materials that are being taught, then it is possible for the person to understand them. A person should also ensure that they are able to remember what is being said.Another way that the organic chemistry tutor can be used is by having them study from notes and assignments. These should be taken and studied as thoroughly as possible. It should be remembered that the student will have a lot of work to do during their studi es. This means that they will have to be able to get through all the materials that are being discussed.In addition to this, the student should ensure that they are able to work effectively. This means that they should be able to think clearly and write out answers to the questions that are being asked. It should also be remembered that they should not allow themselves to become bored.Some of the students that need to be taught are those that do not know how to operate the machines that are being used. They should take a look at the process and make sure that they understand the chemistry. It is possible for the students to work with the machine to be able to operate it in the correct way.In addition to this, students need to understand the basic material that is being used. This includes the ingredients that will be used in the experiments. This means that it is important for them to have some knowledge about what is being used. This should include how the chemicals are going to re act with each other.The organic chemistry tutor is often used to teach the students the materials that they need to study. They will be used to help the students learn. This can help them to become more educated and ready to take their own classes.

Online Trigonometry Help

Online Trigonometry Help The word Trigonometry comes from a Greek word and the meaning of it is triangle measure. Like the word means, Trigonometry is the branch of Mathematics which involves the study of the measure of sides and angles of a triangle using 6 important trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant and cotangent of a given angle. The functions cosecant, secant and cotangent are the reciprocals of the functions sine, cosine and tangent respectively. These functions are very useful in evaluating the lengths of the sides and measure of angles in a triangle and other geometric structures. Example 1: Given the angle x in the first quadrant. If sin(x) = 2/5, then what is the value of the trigonometric function, cos(x)? Given: sin(x) = 2/5 According to the trigonometric identity: sin2(x) + cos2(x) = 1. This gives: cos2(x) = 1 sin2(x) Applying the above formula we get - cos2(x) = 1 (2/5)2 This gives: cos2(x) = 1 4/5 Taking the common denominator we get: cos2(x) = (5 4)/5 = 1/5 Hence, cos(x) = (1/5) = 1/5 Therefore the value of cos(x) = 1/5 Example 2: Given the angle x in the first quadrant and sin(x) = 2/5 and cos(x) = 1/5. What are the values of the trigonometric functions, tan(x), cosec(x), sec(x) and cot(x)? Given: sin(x) = 2/5 and cos(x) = 1/5 tan(x) can be calculated using the formula -tan(x) = sin(x)/ cos(x) This gives: tan(x) = (2/5)/ (1/5) - tan(x) = 2/1 Now, cosec(x) = 1/sin(x) = 1/ (2/5) - cosec(x) = 5/2 Similarly, sec(x) = 1/cos(x) = 1/ (1/5) - sec(x) = 5/1 And, cot(x) = 1/tan(x) = 1/ (2/1) - cot(x) = 1/2

Newman Projections

Newman Projections Newman Projection Newman Projection is useful in alkene stereochemistry. It is used for determining conformational relationships. (Conformers are molecules which are converted to one another by a rotation around a single bond). Newman Projection visualizes the chemical conformations of a carbon to carbon chemical bond from front to back. The front carbon is represented by a dot.The back carbon is represented a circle. The name for front carbon atom is proximal. The back carbon atom is called distal. Other carbons are drawn as sticks coming off the dot or circle and they are separated by 120 degrees. Newman projection is useful to assess the torsional angle between bonds. Below is a sample for Newman projections A Newman projection can be staggered or eclipsed. You could draw Newman projection such that the groups on the front carbon are staggered with 60 degrees apart. Or they could be eclipsed (overlapping directly) with the groups on the back carbon. Following are the samples of Newman projections of ethane for staggered and eclipsed ones. New man projections can be made for butane so that its eclipsed, gauge and anti conformations could be seen. In this case, the front dot represents the second carbon in the butane chain. The back circle represents the third carbon in the butane chain. Newman projection is used to condense the bond between these two carbons. Let us view the below picture for understanding our concept more clearly. The sawhorse projection is similar to Newman projection. It visualizes the carbon to carbon bond from an oblique angle. Following are the pictures of sawhorse projection

Online Square Pyramid Surface Area Tutors

Online Square Pyramid Surface Area Tutors A Square pyramid is a pyramid which has a square base and the remaining faces of the pyramid are 4 triangles. All the 4 triangles of a pyramid meet at a single point known as the apex or the vertex of the pyramid and a square pyramid has a common square base for all the triangles. The surface area of a pyramid can be calculated by finding the area of each single face and then later adding up the areas of all the faces together. Example 1: What is the surface area of a square pyramid which has a base length of 4m and a slant height of 7m? Given: base length, b= 4m Slant height of the pyramid, s = 7m Since it is a square pyramid, the base of the pyramid is a square. Surface area of a square pyramid = b2 + 2* b* s This gives: Surface area of the square pyramid, SA= (4)2 + (2 * 4 * 7) = 16+ 56= 72m2 Therefore, the surface area of the given square pyramid is 72m2 Example 2:What is the surface area of a square pyramid which has a base length of 6m and a slant height of 10m? Given: base length, b= 6m Slant height of the pyramid, s = 10m Since it is a square pyramid, the base of the pyramid is a square. Surface area of a square pyramid = b2 + 2* b* s This gives: Surface area of the square pyramid, SA= (6)2 + (2 * 6 * 10) = 36+ 120= 156m2 Therefore, the surface area of the given square pyramid is 156m2

Take Piano Lessons

Take Piano Lessons Getting Started with Private Piano Tutorials ChaptersHow Much do Piano Lessons Cost?Which Private Piano Tutor Should You Choose?What Will Your First Piano Tutorial Be Like?Where Can You Find Private Piano Tutors?“Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.” - Tom LehrerIt’s very hard to find somebody who doesn’t like music at all. Playing the piano is a relaxing and stimulating activity for many people. You just need to learn the piano before you can really start enjoying it and playing a few classical piano tunes.So how can you get started with private piano lessons and learning the piano?Here’s our guide for beginners on getting started with playing piano. LouisPiano Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlisonPiano Teacher £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BarbaraPiano Teacher £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Chi yuenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomPiano Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutor s ErenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValtiePiano Teacher £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHow Much do Piano Lessons Cost?Private piano lessons at home are a great alternative to piano lessons in a conservatoire or a music school. A lot of people choose this option so that they can enjoy all the benefits of a private tutor or a piano teacher such as personalised advice and tailored weekly lessons.There are several criteria that will affect the price of a piano tutorial. (Source: PublicDomainPictures)However, before you start with beginner piano lessons, you should find out more about the different organisations and teachers available and find out exactly how much private piano tutorials cost.You can find out more either via the internet or by having a look around your neighbourhood for people teaching piano. You might have some friends who know some private p iano tutors who’d be able to give you some piano lessons that won’t cost you an arm and a leg.To really understand the price of a piano lesson, you need to understand exactly what you’re paying for.Private piano tutors are often self-employed. Basically, they need to charge a rate that they can live on and use to pay for all their outgoings. It’s therefore difficult for any piano tutor to charge less than a certain amount.The cost of piano lessons also includes the time a tutor spends organising their piano tutorial before they actually teach it. This preparation and planning need to also be paid for.You need to keep in mind that you’re also paying the tutor’s knowledge, skills, and experience. The more experienced the tutor, the higher you’ll be expected to pay.When it comes to private tutorials, it’s important to remember that some tutors charge fees based on how they have to travel to get to your lessons. Additionally, rates tend to vary by location.Generally spea king, an hour of piano tuition will cost somewhere between £20 and £50.However, you can reduce these costs by getting group classes and making the most of the taster sessions that many tutors offer free-of-charge.Which Private Piano Tutor Should You Choose?Before you start looking for private tutors, you should be aware that there are plenty of different types of tutors and one that may work for somebody may not work for another.There's a private piano tutor for every type of student. (Source: allegralchaple0)Some tutors are better for teaching music theory whereas some might specialise in tablature.So how do you choose the ideal piano tutor?You need to start by asking yourself important questions about why you want to learn piano. Maybe you want to become a musician, play at a friend’s party, become a music teacher, or another reason altogether. You’ll need to find a tutor that meets your expectations.Some tutors taught themselves to play the piano, which might work for certa in piano students. Whatever your reasons, you should ask yourself:How quickly do I want to learn to play the piano?What type of music would I like to play?Why do I want to learn to play the piano?Once you’ve worked out the answers, you can have a look online at the different private tutors offering piano tuition and work out which one will work the best for you.A lot of the tutors on Superprof offer free tuition for the first hour. This is often to work out what the student will need in terms of tuition and allows the tutor and the student to see if they get along.Sometimes students realise that a certain style of teaching just doesn’t work for them.That’s why you need to discuss this with a potential tutor so you’ll know exactly whether or not their tutorials will work for you. You can then hire them for a few months or even a year.What Will Your First Piano Tutorial Be Like?Whether you’re doing a piano tutorial in your house, free piano lessons online, private lessons, l essons in a conservatoire or piano school, music teaching often follows a particular structure (musical training, reading piano music, musical culture, arpeggios, etc.).During your first piano tutorial, you'll get to know your tutor rather than play the piano. (Source: nightowl)The same will happen for other instruments (drum lessons, violin lessons, guitar lessons, saxophone lessons, singing lessons, clarinet lessons, cello lessons, flute lessons, etc.).Once you’ve chosen your piano tutor, it’s time to organise your first piano lessons near me. You and your tutor should agree upon a schedule that works for both of you. Your first piano lesson might take some time and you shouldn’t be stressing about your schedule during it.To find out exactly what to expect during your piano lessons, you should ask your private piano tutor during the first lesson.The first hour of tuition is also an ideal time to get to know them. You can talk about the type of music you both like and the tut or’s experience. Maybe they play piano in a group or know how to play other instruments (electric guitar, bass, saxophone, harmonica, accordion, flute, etc.).  They might even teach other instruments that you’re interested in.It’s also worthwhile talking about things other than music. Perhaps you have other hobbies in common aside from music. This can often make the difference when choosing a piano tutor.After getting to know them, your tutor will probably try to gauge your level so that they know where to start from. Learning piano can take a lot of time and the tutor will also want to know whether or not you’ve got the right motivation for your piano playing.You can also talk about your own expectations. Whether you’re playing for fun, surprising a friend, joining a band, starting a career as a pianist, each musician will have their reasons for learning to play the piano. Your music tutor will have to adapt according to them.They’ll establish a programme, goals, and a schedule to achieve these goals. This will help motivate you.Your first lesson will probably finish with a few piano exercises to get you started with playing the piano. They’ll probably give you some exercises to work on before your next tutorial.Where Can You Find Private Piano Tutors?There are plenty of different ways to find piano tutors. Whether online or offline, it’s very simple nowadays finding the perfect tutor.An old brother or sister might teach you a thing or two about the piano, too. (Source: NeiFo)You can start by having a look at the classifieds in small businesses (butcher’s, baker’s, florist’s, etc.). There are also notice boards in bigger businesses and in shopping centres.You can get in touch with a tutor and discuss your expectations over the phone. You can even put up your own notice explaining that you’re looking for a music teacher or piano tutor and say what you want to learn (music theory so you can read music, music history, etc.).Think about ta lking to your friends and family, too. It’s often the case that somebody you know will know just the piano tutor for the job. Perhaps one of your friends know how to play the piano and would be happy to help you progress and become a pianist.It’s also very simple to get in touch with private piano tutors via the internet. Social networks are really useful for this. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., are really useful for finding piano tutors and quickly getting in touch with them.There are also platforms like Superprof which are dedicated to helping students find the ideal private tutor. You can look at the tutor's experience and profile and decide whether or not they’re right for you.When you get in touch with a private tutor, think about what you’ll ask them about like their rates, what they teach, their experience as a musician or a tutor, etc.  The more honest you are with your tutor and yourself, the easier you’ll find finding the ideal piano tutor.Also look for a tu tor who’ll be able to patiently teach you how to play piano on any instrument with a keyboard (grand piano, upright piano, synthesisers, digital pianos, keyboards, etc.).Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced piano player, you just need to find the right one for you. With a private tutor, beginners than design their own piano course with bespoke piano instruction, telling their tutor what they want to focus on. If you want to focus on jazz piano chords, sight reading and reading music, ear training, or improvisation, just tell your tutor and they can focus on a particular skill.Whether you want to improve your rhythm or fingering, master a certain chord, become a composer, or are interested in learning how to read sheet music, you can find a piano instructor to teach you in person or provide online piano tutorials on Superprof.Have fun becoming the next Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, or Schubert!